Artist: Abdullah Barini


“Water is Life“

The Libyan bear shows the large waterways of Africa.

The ’Great Man-Made River Project’ is an enormous achievement for Africa. The fantastic results of the engineering project in this almost impassable territory reflect the great willpower and determination behind this project. The ‘Great Man-Made River’ is a technical and industrial marvel, creating the largest network for water transport and water supply to date.

The realisation of this dream is an example for all those who want to improve the lives of Africa’s future generations. Laying the foundation stone was a historic moment, a contribution to overcoming the “demon thirst“.

For the people of Libya, the project is the Eighth Wonder of the World.

Abdullah Barini

Sponsor: Volksbüro der Sozialistischen Libysch-Arabischen Volks-Dschamahirija