Artist: Shafik Kreit
Address: Shafik Kreit, Am Springborn 1, 51063 Köln
Phone: 0221 - 690 27 01
1967: First Exhibition in Der'a
1977: Studied at the School of Fine Arts and Painting - University of Damascus
1974/75: Art Instructor in Damascus
1982-1986: Freelance Painter and Decorator in Damascus and Der'a
1977-1986: Several Group Exhibitions in Syria. The works can be found in various countries and private collections. Lebanon, Jordan, Spain, Germany and Syria.
1994-2000: Own Studio in Bonn
2001: Own Studio in Cologne
The high value placed on the written word is evident even in the earliest history of human existence. It has always been treated with care, even the first written symbols and letters were seen as the keys to knowledge and insight. The Syrians made a great contribution in this field, in the 14th century B.C.- 3,400 years ago - they were to develop the first alphabet, consisting of thirty letters, establishing a foundation on which a civilized form of communication between the peoples can be built.
This alphabet was invented in the city Ugarit, on the Mediterranean Coast in the north of Syria, and can be seen on the back of the bear.
Shafik Kreit
Sponsor: Honorarkonsul Karlheinz Wolfgang, Vorsitzender VIPE, Honorargeneralkonsul Oskar Deutsch, Honorarkonsulin Christa Brigitte Gütermann, Honorarkonsul Bernhard J. Benecke, Honorarkonsul Jeki Levi