Artist: Tomas-Andres Arango Roldan
1988-90: Cultural Academy Yurupari, Medellin, Columbia
1990-93: Advertising at Art Institute, Medellin, Columbia
1993-95: Graphic design Pontific Bolivarian University, Medellin, Columbia
1996-97: Renaissance course, Arte Sotto un Tetto, Florence, Italy
1999-00: Body painting course, St. Martin's School, London, England
2000-01: Lectures on modern art at National Gallery, London, England
I am a bear that feels abandoned although they are all close to me, I can only see masks, cannot tell the difference between truth and illusion, lost in this "reality" I try to break out and breathe, I am a bear in pain, a dead bear that is moving, I feel the end coming ... but I will not accept it!
Tomas-Andres Arango Roldan
Sponsor: Botschaft der Republik Kolumbien & Honorarkonsul der Rep. Kolumbien, Michael Schmid