Artist: Juristanbek Shigaev
Two birds carry the sun. The sun is characteristic of the Kyrgyzstan national flag and symbolizes the young independent state.
The triangle is a Kyrgyzstan talisman while also embodying the heavenly mountains Ala-Too and Tienschan. On the inside of the triangle, people and animals are depicted - the whole world of Kyrgyzstan.
The fish is a symbol of purity, a picture of the Kyrgyzstan Issyk-Köl lake. The person holding a fish over his head embodies the world of ecology.
The back of the Buddy Bear shows the Kirghizian ornament Kurak and fragments from the national myths, legends and history of Kyrgyzstan.
Juristanbek Schygajew
Sponsor: Honorarkonsul der Rep. Kirgisistan, Karl Ehlerding