Artist: Hiram Cohen
*1965 Paysandu/Uruguay
1987 obtained his degree in "law"
1982-2001 wrote three novels
Since 1986 Paintings and Exhibitions
The most important thing about this work was to respect the symbolism of the bear and its shape. The bear is the symbol of Berlin and this one will represent Uruguay. So I decided to integrate it to our landscape and history. The title of the bear is "River of the colourful birds" that is what the name Uruguay means in Guarani. I integrated the indomitable spirit of Tabobé (a Charrúa chieftain) and the will to love and live beyond limits. The main aim was to reflect the colours and the nature along the rivers of the colourful birds. To follow the shape of the bear I painted mainly with my fingers in order to have a direct contact with the forms. I also followed the poise of the bear, which seems to jump up or push up, so all the painting seems to be ascending.
Hiram Cohen
Sponsor: Merck Finck & Co.