Artist: Sanjay Sikder
*1971 Calcutta/India
Sanjay Sikder studied graphic arts at the University of Calcutta and graduated in 1996 with the distinction "Meister Schüler". He lives in India and is working in Germany at present.
Some exhibitions and awards
I've worked on two Buddy Bears - a big and a small one. The small bear will be shown in a later exhibition.
The theme for the big bear stand for dance as an expression of joie de vivre. Dance is mainly visible from the outside as a dance form; but in this case it's about an inner dance - like floating, hardly visible and without explanation. Inner expectations and outer reality meet, are made comprehensible.
The flautist plays, a rhymed melody becomes audible and the bear begins to swing, surrounded by radiance and light, like the colours its wearing. Thus its between dream and wakefulness - its thoughts are outside this world.
The little bear that you can't see in the catalogue stands for an oppressed woman who feels threatened and is struggling. She fears being deserted, suffers from existential fear. How far can inhumanity go?
Sanjay Sikder
Sponsor: Hamburg Süd