Artist: Leda Luss-Luyken
Leda Luss-Luyken is a native Athenian and citizen of Kifissia (GR).
After school and work in Switzerland, USA and England, she now lives and works in Berg on the Starnberger See, in addition to the Kykladen Islands as well as the Venus-Island of Milos.
Several Exibitions in Amsterdam, Zurich, and Munich.
Greece's bear, Venus, brings the antique symbols of love, beauty and peace to the international selection of "United Buddy Bears".
Born from sea foam, Aphrodite (or Venus) rises from the spray here, too; it is the bear's spray, he is flying upwards from the depths. Aphrodite presents herself fourfold in her sublime, marble-white beauty.
As if soaring upwards to the gods, the bear seems to become lighter through its verve, thus embodying the freedom and gracefulness of Greek life.
The bear's colours are blue and white. One can see waves, foam and spray. Between these, battling ships and rescue maps with the right coordinates to circle around the deeply dangerous points in life.
Aphrodite, the always youthful goddess of beauty and love. She loves us, the people, the world ... and her Buddy Bear.
Leda Luss-Luyken
Sponsor: Honorarkonsulin von Griechenland, Madeleine Schickedanz