Artist: Gustavo da Liña

Gustavo de Lina was born in 1961 under the pseudonym Gustavo Castro, on the "Peace Border" between Sant'ana do Livramento, Brazil, and Rivera, Uruguay.

From 1973 to 1975 he studied at Rivera's Liceum where he learned Fine Arts with professors Alberto Ielisich and Osmar Santos. From 1977 to 1980 he enlarged his knowledge, attending to drawing and painting courses at the Art School of ASPES in Livramento, with Prof. Osmar Santos, and at the "Atelier Livre da Prefeitura de Porto Alegre" with Prof. Britto Velho.

From 1981 to 1988 he lived and worked in Porto Alegre and Florianopolis, Brazil. In January 1989 he moved to Eurpoe and remained in Berlin, where he lives and works today.

In April 1990 he travelled to Madagascar and found the Antaimoro Paper. In 1996 he attended to a study seminary at the Cathedral of Chartres in France.


I gave my bear the name "LaBÄRynth".

The bear is wearing the colours of the flag of Uruguay (white with blue stripes and the sun). On the solar plexus there is a labyrinth, which is extremely important to me, not just for this project, but as regards life in general.

Every person carries in themselves a labyrinth. Whoever wishes to live in freedom must follow the path to self-awareness. It is only when I know myself that I can harness my potential and use it beneficially.

For: "The real labyrinth does not lead you down the path of ignorance, on the contrary, it gives a person a sense of wholeness and centeredness, which, in the end, leads to self-discovery."

Gustavo da Lina

Sponsor: Bayer AG