Artist: Francisco Nunes de Oliveira
* 1955 in Lisbon
Studied Fine Art (Painting) at the Art School in Lisbon and in ARO.
Since 1983 regular exhibitions in various cities.
Since 1995 permanent Atelier in Berlin
Nunes de Oliveira is a member of several Organizations, namely the Calouste Gulbenkian Stiftung, the National Institute for Culture, the Portugese Institute for Cultural Goods, the state library, the ICEP-Portugal and in various Galleries and Museums.
e-mail: ioliveiraduarte@aol.com
The surface of the bear is covered with random excerpts from "Portugese History and the History of the Portugese Empire" by A.H. Oliveira Marques, both in Portugese and in German, thus establishing a connection between the past and present, bringing us to reflect so that we may prepare ourselves for the future.
A few elements relating to Portugal (maps and charts of the planets and their movement; shipknots in the manuelinic style; the bridge of Vasco da Gama, a reference to Portugal as member of the European Union; a fragment of the national flag and names of famous historical figures in Portugal) appear on the foundation as well as symbolism characteristic of the painting of the author (colour palette, vertical sticks and a form of calligraphy thought to be universal and not traceable to any one nation).
I also intended to honour some important personalities of the nineteenth and twentieth century. Due to the difficult situation of having to select a small number of personalities, there is only a square with a random arrangement of names and people who are not only connected with cultural life but also deserve respect for their work.
Francisco Nunes de Oliveira
Sponsor: Botschaft von Portugal & Instituto Camoes