Artist: Rolf A. Klünter und Ram Prasad Rimal

Rolf A. Klünter

* 1956 in Bürvenich

1976-82: Studied at the Düsseldorf School of Art

1988-94: Assistant Professor, Tribhuvan University, Nepal

Studios in Cologne, Kathmandu/Nepal and Shanghai/China.

Ram Prasad Rimal

* 1963 in Darding/Nepal

He has been working as assistent of Rolf A. Klünter since 1990.


The term "Nepal Mandala" is known internationally by now, beyond the scholastic realms of Indian or Buddhist Studies.

The term stands for the spirituality and Hindu tradition of the country per se.

The Sankrit word "Manda-La" describes an "essence (manda), which is surrounded by a structured periphery (-la)". Such a circle-diagram is an instrument of meditation in both Hindu and Buddhist meditation and ritual and generally represents the universes of gods.

The "Nepal Mandala Bear" uses the simplest and most elementary methods for displaying Mandala pictorial language and ornaments: ring of fire, lotus flowers, water ornaments, and the colours of the rainbow. One can also see a red "A" in the centre of the circle (also the navel of the bear), written in ancient Nepalese "Ranjana" calligraphy. The "A" has a metaphysical meaning and symbolizes the oldest and original source, nature, and Buddha. More archaic pictorial symbols are floating in the inner circles of the mandala circle.

A pagoda temple and a shell decorate the arms. The back depicts some of the Nepalese national animals: tiger, antelope, sacred cow, elephant and the colourful bird "Daphne" are there to keep the Berlin Bear company.

The widely opened eyes look into the distance and attempt to locate the Himalayas, the roof of the world, from Berlin. The third eye on the forehead is looking for the vision of the future, perhaps one of world peace.

Rolf A. Kluenter

Sponsor: Honorargeneralkonsulin Ann-Katrin Bauknecht, Honorarkonsul Dr. Peter Breiholdt, Honorarkonsul Ludwig Greißl, Honorarkonsul Bodo Krueger, Honorarkonsul Ram Pratap Thapa