Artist: Gennady V. Buralkin
* 12. February 1942 Leninagorsk/Kasachstan
He lives now in Minsk.
Since 1976 he takes part in art exhibitions. The works are kept in National Art Museum of Belarus, Museum of Modern Art in Minsk, Maghileu Art Museum, Art Museum in South Caroline (USA).
The composition and colour combination (white-blue and green-red), and elements of the Belarus national ornamentation, symbolize the country's hospitality and openness, and show Belarus' dedication to international cooperation, understanding and collaboration, especially with our neighbours and with the EU.
Buralkin Ghenadz Vasilyevitch
Sponsor: Belimpex Handels-GmbH, Leipzig & Belastahl Aussenhandels-GmbH, Leipzig & Otmennoe Litjo GmbH, Minsk