Artist: Günter Radtke
Born in Insterburg
Freelance Painter and Illustrator.
Since 1948 Head Layouter, Designer and Head of Colour Production for the STERN weekly news magazine.
Since 1950 also Industrial Graphics Artist and Illustrator.
Later, spent eight years as Art Director for various publishers in London and New York.
Numerous Exhibitions as well as Mural Exhibits inland and out of the country: Berlin, Potsdam, Hannover, Emden, Huntsville, New York, Paris and Antwerp.
Exhibition 2002 in Berlin "Visionary Realism."
The design of the TOGO Bear should bring the viewer closer to the country and its typical landscapes and characteristics as well as to the lifestyle of its people.
The number 1884 points to the discovery made by the German explorer Nachtigal by way of which Togo became a German colony. After the war had been lost in 1918 Togo fell under French and British control until 1960 when it became an independent Republic.
Today, four million people live in Togo. In the south Togo has 50 km of beach on the Atlantic, the land stretches up north over 600 km.
The front of the bear offers a panorama depicting the typical houses with earthenware altars to worship their ancestors. Wild warthogs are not only tolerated but eaten as well. Further, there are various landscapes with palm trees and deciduous forests, bright red blossoming trees and the 986 m high Mont Agou.
The back shows a herdsman with his cattle and people pumping water. Togo's spectacularly coloured butterfly species together with the bright blue sky present themselves to the viewer on the arms of the bear.
Günter Radtke
Sponsor: Honorargeneralkonsul der Rep. Togo, Gerd Nelke