Artist: Eszter Radák
* 1971, in Budapest, Hungary
1991-1996: University of Hungarian Fine Arts, School of Painting
1998-1999: Master Classes with Hubert Schmalix at the Akademie der
Bildende Kunst, Vienna
since 2000: Studies for the Doctorate of Lieberal Arts at University
of Pécs, School of Fine Arts
Grants and Courses:
1993: Salzburg
1996- 1997: Paris
1998- 1999: Vienna
2000 : Budapest
2001 : Roma
2001 : Montreuil, Paris
Budapest, Vienna, Bukarest (Rumania), Montreuil, Paris, New York, Salzburg.
My bear displays the Hungarian national colours: red, white and green.
The bears in Berlin represent the countries taking part - and their cultures. The Hungarian and German culture were never really that far apart and seem to be growing closer than ever before. But even if we become closer ideologically, our flags will always remain different.
Eszter Radák
Sponsor: Botschaft der Republik Ungarn