United Kingdom
Artist: Jonathan Petch
* 1969 in Cleetharpes, UK
1987-1989 Newcastle Business School - Accounting and Finance B.A. (Honours)
1990-1994 Arthur Andersen (London) - Trained as Chartered Accountant
1994-1999 Carlton Communications PLC, London - Tax Accountant
1998-1999 City and Guilds of London Art School - Fine Arts
1999- Universität der Künste, Berlin - Fine Arts, Class: Petricle
I was commissioned by the British Embassy to create a design which celebrates the Queen's 50 year jubilee, while at the same time presenting familiar British figures and places so that it is instantly recognisable as British. A further important element was to celebrate the cultural diversity within the United Kingdom. All done, of course, with a touch of British humour.
The front side of the bear is painted like a typical British interior with photographs hanging on the wall behind the Union Jack chair. Then, as you move around the bear, it changes from interior to exterior. Bears rain out of the sky giving a glimpse of Britain's cultural diversity, from Celt to Cricketer and from Rastafarian to Rugby Player. The bear holds high the world famous tea cup and tea pot.
With thanks to Sophia for her helb and Roy for his inspiration.
Jonathan Petch
Sponsor: British Embassy