Artist: Armand Warin
* 1944 in Lyon
1963 - 1967 travels through distant parts of Europe, Africa, Asia
!968 - 1983 active as Interior Archtect in Paris and in Bretagne
Since 1985 lives and works in Sinsheim (meanwhile three years paris)
Galleries and Museums:
London, Copenhagen, Paris, Bayreuth, Frankfurt am Main, Bad Kösen, Speyer
As far as I can think back pictures flash the story of France before my eyes.
The proud rooster, symbol of the Gauls. Next to that, "l'hermine," the ermine, symbol of the Bretons, who came from the British Isles and settled in the Bretagne in the fifth century.
The back contains my impressions of the "Roman de la Rose", an epic by Guillaume de Lorries and Jean de Meunge dating back to the thirteenth century. It is a story of chivalry, of attempting to win the love of a woman.
The angel in front of the cathedral makes a reference to France's relationship with the Church in the middle ages. Next to that, one can see the old regime with its "Fleures de Lys", the lilies.
Respects also get paid to the French Revolution: a new time, a new hope personified by Marianne, surrounded by the Tricolore, the flag of France. But behind her, in the background, the sign of a new era is rising: the flag of modern Europe.
A bear is beautiful and all, but a little history lesson never hurt anyone, ey?
Armand warin
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