Artist: Julius Frank
* 1951
1969-1971 Student of Graphic Design in Duschanbe
1979-1980 Student of sculpture at the Riga Academy of Art with Professor I. Vassilijev
1990 emigration to Germany
1998-2000 Sculpturor in Berlin
2000-2003 further training at the UKD, Art in context, Berlin
I found the inspiration for the design of my Turkmenian bear on my travels through Central Asia. The bear is wearing a coat that reminds us of the old-fashioned clothes worn by Turkmenian dervishes, and it's ornated with patterns from traditional Turkmenian carpets famous all over the world.
The main design elements, "Göl" and "Gül" have been integrated into large quadrangular and octangular motifs and reflect the diverse structure of the Turkmenian people. Every Turkmenian tribe has always had its own sign - as symbol of its independence. The Turkmenians are convinced that the presentation of the main "Göls" - Salor-Göl, Tekke-Göl, Saryk-Göl, Yomud-Göl and Ersari-Göl, have a positive influence on their fate and protect them from bad influence and misfortune. My bear is a collage of the main Turkmenian symbols, in the traditional Turkmenian colours on a green background, the colour of the Turkmenistan national flag.
Julius Frank