Artist: Michelle Nze
* 1973 in Gabon
Until 1992 High School Lycée Djoue Dabany in Gabun
1999 Director of the Association Centre Africain des Arts et des Cultures (CAFAC), which actively supports artists from Gabon
Exhibitions include:
Since 1997 Niamey (Niger), Pointe-Noire (Congo), Libreville (Gabon), Luanda (Angola), Expo 2000 in Hannover and Berlin.
Name of Sculpture: "Eying" (= "Life")
The experience of being initiated (similar to a consecration) through one's search for a deeper consciousness and physical wellness through harmony of body and soul is a longstanding tradition in Gabon.
The motifs symbolize a ritualistic dance of initiation which has deep roots in the culture of Gabon. The dancers are initiates, who, in order to discover their spiritual path, must wear masks which give them the power necessary to protect them from evil spirits. These are accompanied by a string instrument called Gora. The color blue is chosen during the ceremony because it represents self-confidence and calmness. The dance takes place around an open fire, which is kept alive with wood from the jungle of Gabon.
Michelle Avome Nze
Sponsor: Siemens AG, Erlangen