Artist: Klio Karadim
Born: 1970 in Sofia (Bulgara)
Address: Hertastraße 1 A, 12051 Berlin (Deutschland)
Phone: 0049 (0) 30 - 89 40 90 01
E-Mail: Klio@karadim.de
Title: "Master of Fine Arts"
1991-97: Studied at the "Burg Giebichenstein" School of Fine Art and Design
Since 1997: Studied under Prof. M.M. Reimkasten
1999: Guestsemester at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna
1999-2000: Residential Study in Mexico.
Since 2000: Member in the German Fine Arts Association
2001: Masters Studies Completed
1994 - 3 Prize at the Comfortex-Messe in Leipzig
1996 - DAAD Prize for Special Achievement by a Foreign Student
1997 - 3 Prize in Video Contest at Burg Giebichenstein in Halle/Saale
1997 - Graduated - Personal Exhibition in Halle/Saale
1998 - Two Month Stipend and Personal Exhibition in Dessau
1999 - 2 Prize in Competition for Artistic Rendering of the Elementary School in Westergellersen
2000 - "Fragmenti" - Personal Exhibition in Berlin, in the Salon der Feinen Künste "Balkana" e.V.
Fields of Work:
Painting, Wallpainting, Graphic Design, Photography, New Media Video, Tapestry and other textile techniques.
Black - White letters
- condensed memories
Written over centuries
- alive today.
Red - Green experiences.
Stacked by people,
created by nature.
Unforgettable moments
- of a childhood.
Klio Karadim