Artist: Embassy of Jamaica, Berlin

H.E. Marcia Gilbert-Roberts

Ambassador (Diplomatic Staff)

Chevannes Bembridge

First Secretary (Diplomatic Staff)

Carol Pink-Martin

Records and Information Clerk (Local German Staff)

Marianito Libunao

Chauffeur (Local German Staff)

Royston Fernando

Accounting Clerk (Local German Staff)

Iris Apostel-Krause

Secretary (Local German Staff)



We, the staff of the embassy have agreed to make a collective contribution to the development of a sculpture that reflects the promotion of peace and understanding among the people. Believing that Jamaica can make a significant contribution to the achievement of those principles, we have used various Jamaican symbols and institutions to portray the concepts of love, peace, understanding, friendship, cooperation and harmony, among others. The work of art is designed to portray the ways in which the people of Jamaica seek to strengthen their links with the rest of the world, through the practical application of these principles.

Embassy of Jamaica, Berlin

Sponsor: Embassy of Jamaica