Artist: Ute Faber
1982-1985 Student of painting and sculpture, Berlin
Sind 1994 free-lanced artist, lives and works in Berlin. Participation in various group- and individual exhibitions
"No worries, everything is ok" - in Australia this is not an empty phrase, but an endeering motto which has remained in my memory over here. There aren't many places in this world with such a variety of sights, activities and characters: endless sky, red soil, flora and fauna in shimmering facets. Colourful sprinkles of this broad palette come together in my "Aussie Bear". There are also elements of Aborigine painting. The main style is a sort of pointilism of circles, dots and lines which are deeply symbolical. The illustrations are testimonies of the migrations of mythological ancestors - a spiritual map. Enjoy looking at my bear.
Ute Faber