Antigua and Barbuda

Artist: Jason King

* in Antigua

1997-98 Tariff Clerk and Cashier - Antigua

1998- Present: Art Teacher (Antigua State College)

1999 & 2001 Winner of the Bank of Antigua Creative Competition



The mill on the right and the beach on the left foot of the bear represents the foundation of our country. Starting with the sugar mill, then moving to tourism as our main industry.

The hands hold up every member of our twin island state: Antigua on the right and Barbuda on the left.

Our black heritage as well as our Christian society are shown on the head of the bear, while the body depicts our black pine-apple (symbolic of our hospitality), our national flag, our coat of arms, the friggit bird found in Barbuda and our biggest summer festival "Carnival".

Finally the back of the bear is symbolic of our annual sailing week.

Jason King