Artist: Iva Mrazkova
* 1964
lives and works in Luxembourg
1983-89 College of Arts and Crafts, Prague
1985 Study tour in Italy: Académia P. Vanucci, Perugia
1992 Student in Paris, Cité des Arts
Several exhibitions:
1990-2003: Artgalleray, Gallup, New Mexico (USA), Cité des Arts, Paris (F), Galerie Atalante, Evian-les-Bains (F), Europarat, Straßburg (F), Museum Ostrava, Opava (CZ), Galerie Am Potsdamer Platz, Berlin (D), Galerie Marcholt, Katowice (PL), Galerie Clairefontaine, Luxembourg (L)
Prizes, a.o.:
Prize for Young Artists, Salon CAL, Luxembourg (1992)
Luxembourg is a small country in the centre of Europe (~450,000 inhabitants). In spite of its size the country is a real melting pot of different languages and cultures.
For daily life you need at least 3-4 different languages.
This is also the theme for my bear, the symbolism of creation: script as a means of communication and at the same time a process of decorative creation through the aesthetics of their own script.
Iva Mrazkova