United States
Artist: Bill C. Ray (and Julian Ray)
Although born in Alaska, Bill C. Ray has lived for the last 11 years in Berlin. Shaped by the extremes of his northern homeland, Ray’s artistic viewpoint is concentrated on reduced elemental forms and the play of light.
Influences on Bill C. Ray’s painting come from a broad background of artistic experience. His roots in the Alaska art scene, large design projects for theatre as well as experience in illustration and graphic design have all played a role in shaping his current work. His paintings and drawings belong to both private and public art collections in the U.S. and Germany. An extensive exhibit of Bill C. Ray’s artworks can be found online at
I was assisted by the (almost) five year old Julian Ray.
The bear "Libärty" is his first large-scale collaborative project.
E-mail: bill@billray.info
Of all the symbols usually associated with the USA, the Statue of Liberty represents a concept with which people everywhere in the world can identify. Neither the American flag, America's historical heroes, nor any of its other myths or monuments can transcend politics, borders, and nationalities as "Liberty" can.
Giving form to the most dignified of the old European values, the original statue was presented by France as a gift to the USA. Since then, she has been warmly embraced by succeeding generations of Americans and has come to symbolize the best that the United States has to offer.
Hopefully, this bear "Libärty" can stimulate visual associations and remind us of the connections between Berlin, the USA, the statue in New York harbour - and above all what she stands for.
Bill C. Ray and Julian Ray
Sponsor: American Embassy, Berlin