Farewell to the United Buddy Bears from the zoo

A wonderful time is over - the United Buddy Bears have moved out of the Tierpark, where they found a temporary home for three years, as travelling with our international project was out of the question due to coronavirus.

On 2 July 2020, the then Minister for Family Affairs Franziska Giffey, the Director of Berlin Zoo and Tierpark, Dr Andreas Knieriem, and Eva Herlitz opened the exhibition on the Tierpark's Schlossallee. Thanks to the hospitality of the zoo and the wonderful support of Haberling, Weberbank, THW and Colossus Logistics, the bears were able to find a temporary home in this beautiful location. The "Buddies for Peace" award from the Bürgerstiftung Berlin was presented here in 2020 and the following years and the big 20th anniversary of Buddy Bear Berlin was celebrated in 2022.

A huge thank you to all supporters and participants! Now it's time to set off for new shores - exhibitions are being planned again at home and abroad to spread our message of tolerance and international understanding around the world.

Many thanks to Tierpark Berlin for hosting us so warmly for three years and to Weberbank Berlin for supporting this exhibition. Special thanks go to the THW Treptow Köpenick, Haberling and Colossus Logostics, without whose support the transport and dismantling of the bears would not have been possible.