Künstler: Manuela Sambo
* 11.03.1964, Luanda /Angola
1986-1993 Student of German and Literature at the University of Leipzig
Works as free-lance translator and interpreter
1994-1996 Theatre pedagogy at the theatre "piccolo"
1997-1999 Head of Arts projects at the Heinrich-Heine Gymnasium / City Council, Cottbus
1994-2000 Language teacher of Portuguese and Spanish at the 'Volkshochschule', Cottbus
Organisation of language study tours to Spain and Portugal
Since 1999 Free-lance as artist (paintings and sculptures)
National and international exhibitions
Mit dieser Gestaltung meines Berliner Bären ging es mir neben der künstlerischen Gestaltung insbesondere darum, den Reichtum und die Farbenpracht der angolanischen Natur allegorisch darzustellen.